— Why BookMyBaggage?
A hassle-free service designed to save on the exhorbitant excess baggage charges.
Doorstep Pickup & Delivery
Send from your location, to anywhere in the country.
Secure & Fast Shipping
Our professionals ensure a speedy and safe delivery.
Realtime Online Tracking
Track your shipments online in real-time from pick-up to delivery.
How it works?
We make the process as smooth and seamless as possible so you can relax and enjoy your new destination without worrying about transporting your items.
Book a consignment online
Print your consignment labels
We collect your consignment
And deliver them to you
— Company Facts
A few reasons why our valued customers choose us.
Shipments Delivered
Cities covered Pan India
Workforce Strength
I used Aipex services to ship my suitcase from Mumbai international airport to my home in Goa Everything went super smooth and with the best rate of the market. Suitcase was picked up outside of the Mumbai international airport at around 9am and was delivered to me in Goa on Tuesday 4 p.m by surface service. Well, I couldn't ask for more.
sok travolta
“We are extremely satisfied with the services provided by your team, as pickup of luggage was smooth, delivery was timely and interaction with your team was pleasant. We utilise this opportunity to wish you all the best for all your future endeavours.“
Satish Kumar
“I have used bookmybaggage service to send my international travel bags from Nagpur to Mumbai Airport. The convenient and cost effective pick and drop of bags made it hassle free for me after struggling with bags transfer for the domestic leg of the journey for many years. The communication from the service team was excellent. The bags were delivered in impeccable condition and on time.”
Shweta Agrawal Kulkarni
— When travelling via Air
BookMyBaggage offers better price than any airline.
Checking multiple bags onto a flight can be very expensive, especially if you exceed the baggage allowance on your ticket. BookMyBaggage fixes this challenge by allowing to send all of your luggage, no matter how many you have, to your destination.
We promise that your luggage will reach on schedule at its destination.
— When Moving to New Place
BookMyBaggage offers a convenient Doorstep Delivery and Pickup.
When re-location, we also offer services for delivery of heavy goods, such as large electrical goods, or white goods, furniture and sports equipment, supported by our extensive pan-India network.
Re-locate in an inexpensive way, which means you won't have to second-guess packing that additional stuff you love.
— Going to University
BookMyBaggage offers Doorstep Shipment Pickup.
My Baggage is used by thousands of students worldwide to move their belongings locally and abroad. Perfect if you are studying abroad.
We promise that your luggage will reach on schedule at its destination.
— Hassle Free Travel
We ship your belongings to make your journey easier?
With BookMyBaggage, you can bypass long lines at check-in counters and luggage carousels at airports. You don't have to worry about your luggage going missing in transit.
Our representatives will pick up your luggage from your home and bring it to most major cities within 2-4 business days.